It’s a New Year — Begin Now!

Happy New Year !!!

What I love about the New Year is that it’s this special, juicy opportunity to BEGIN NOW…with a renewed, fresh sense of what’s possible.

The new chance at this time of year has unique potential.

I could do the the traditional thing of setting intentions for what I want this year.

However, the idea of today’s importance becomes richer when we go beyond merely setting goals for 2012.

I think that along with clarity about the outcomes we want, the true key for optimizing a great year is to CHOOSE how we want to BE and FEEL in the days & months to come. Bottom line, what we really want from the intentions that we set is actually the way it makes us feel. So the idea here is to go straight to the feeling states to leverage experiencing what we want.

In 2012, I choose to BE sacredly productive, confident and relaxed.

My 2012 vision also includes wanting to FEEL joy, freedom & an abundant, grace-filled sense of accomplishment.

So you can see it’s my choice to be happy right now…even before I have what I want. From experience, I know these choices will contribute to having one great day after another.

I begin now to activate these choices. One of the action steps that powerfully supports these yummy being & feeling states is gratitude…gratitude for all the people that have blessed my life — friends, family, clients, students, colleagues and those of you who simply read this ezine.

I am so grateful for you and I want to honor all the ways you have made a difference in my life. Because of your courage to create the lives you want and to face into your challenges — you’ve inspired me, helped me to grow and provided that all important sense of a supportive community. And…what I know is that the impact that I’ve felt by our connection ripples out for the betterment of all.

You are brilliant. You are appreciated.

Make every day a great day…a memorable day that sets the tone for the year. Choose how you want to be and feel. This becomes your benchmark and firmly puts your line in the sand for a deeply satisfying and fulfilling 2012.

Celebrating you and your power of choice to have an amazing year…


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