Everything Is In The Beginning

Well this is it…a new year, a new month (and the beginning of a new decade).

With all this hopeful energy of new beginnings, how did you wake up this morning?

Did you wake up excited for what the day would bring? Were you filled with a calm trust that you had everything you needed to create your most treasured dreams?
Did you wake up anxious and nervous that maybe you had set your expectations  too high? Did you have that sinking feeling that now you are obligated and burdened with actually making your New Year’s resolutions a reality?

The New Year is a blank slate. No matter what the circumstances of your life, a new year is a chance to “get it right” and a time pregnant with possibility.

Traditionally, there is incredible energy to support new beginnings at this time of year, but the spark of creativity begins with YOU.

What can you be, do or have to leverage this beginning of the year opportunity to create a life that delights you? How might you be inspired to make the most of each day so that even the ordinary experiences of your life become extraordinary?

Without past regrets or longing for unfulfilled expectations, we begin now !! I invite you to be proactive. The way you begin anything sets the tone for the unfolding of your experience and the ultimate outcome.

  • Allow a heartfelt vision to pull you toward inspired action – not pushed by the pain of unfulfilled desires.
  • Courageously stand on the leading edge as a truth teller of your unique vision – not side-lined by what others think or the temptation to align with the status quo due to fears or trying to be safe by playing it small.
  • Discover that even your challenges are calling you to greater clarity, a focused sense of purpose and your highest self.
  • Be innovatively creative as you operate in the zipcode of your gifts & talents – knowing you can’t do business as usual.
  • Be willing to be compassionate towards yourself & others – beyond any temptation to stray into self judgment or blame of another.
  • Play it large by standing for a world that works for everyone – confident that you can make a difference and everyone wins!!

And, no matter what, please know that in this New Year of 2011 – I wish you love, wonder, adventure and abiding trust that your dreams not only can but will come true…


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