Harnessing The Power of the Autumn Equinox


autumn image - resized 1I have written about this before, but, today on the Autumn Equinox,  I wanted to remind you that all major changes of the seasons on planet earth have for millennia been recognized as times of power…power that we can tap into and harness.  Each season has its own unique qualities that when cultivated promise a richer life experience.

Actually, we have already been in the energy of the seasonal turning within the last few days.

Years ago during a 4 year cross-cultural indigenous wisdom training I took, I learned that, according to certain indigenous wisdom, the 3 days before and after the major seasonal shifts (or any major life transition) are a time when the possibilities for expanded perception open wide.

The veils between the worlds become thin. In other words, what normally separates us between the practical 3D world of our normal experience and the transcendent, timeless dimensions from which flow intuition, spiritual inspiration and deep empowering knowing are more available for us to tap into at this time.

If we take advantage of this phenomena and open to what’s possible, we can perceive a sense of our own timeless nature.  It can be a juicy experience yielding a harvest of creativity, clarity, inspiration, problem solving and an expansive flow of synchronicities, coincidences and abundance.

The 3 days before the equinox are a time to be more aware of what’s happening in the moment for therein lie clues for what is to come in the new season. The 3 days after the equinox is a time to integrate and perhaps even take action on the awarenesses that you’ve had during this time.

And, of course, it’s valuable to celebrate the day of the equinox in some way.

I began my celebration of the equinox this last weekend when I attended a truly lovely ceremony on the Frank Lloyd Wright ranch (still looked after by his family) in the exquisite Malibu mountains overlooking the Pacific ocean. I had never been there before so it was a new adventure especially when it came to navigating the many switchbacks on the mountain roads traveling to and from the property!  It was an opportunity to meet new people who are committed to being environmentally aware and conscious stewards of planet earth. Being there sharing a food and stories in community with such folks was a joy. The medicine wheel on the property was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen and the equinox ceremony at sunset was soul stirring. All of these experiences were nice analogies for what I truly want to cultivate and create for my own life in the new season to come.

That was my celebratory experience, but, for all of us, the deeper opportunities for inner reflection and growth that the autumn equinox offers are:

  • Balancing the light and the dark – It is strengthening to come to balance within ourselves, in our life experiences and in our relationships to others.
  • Letting go – It’s always a relief to let go of what’s not working in our lives…outworn habits, constricting beliefs, clutter, disharmonious relationships are just a few examples. This lightening up makes room for new possibilities.
  • Acknowledging impermanence – Change can be such a bugaboo for we humans. But if we lessen our resistance to change – which actually is the only constant in the universe, we invite more stress-free circumstances in our experience.
  • Harvesting what has and is working in our lives – Very simply, when we align with what’s working and acknowledge the gratitude for what has worked, we get more of what’s working in our experience going forward. And it doesn’t get better than that.
  • Recognizing this is a time to determine what’s needed in the months to come – It is a time to begin to incubate and ignite our dreams.

In closing, I wish you many blessings during the Equinox today…a time of power for you to dance the dance of balance, to let go, to gratefully acknowledge what’s working in your life and to take time to dream your next steps.


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