Nurture Your Nature

Yesterday was a beautiful day in the neighborhood and an exquisite opportunity to celebrate Earth Day.  I took every advantage of it.  I savored my morning walk with the dogs, had a relaxing lunch with my son in an outdoors café and later enjoyed some quiet time in the yard soaking in the warmth, the squirrel chatter, bird song and the time to just be.

It got me thinking that despite how much I am often delighted by the nature around me there’s still the tendency to take what nature has to offer for granted.

Years ago when I took a four year intensive course in indigenous wisdom, it was non-negotiable that we spend time out in nature every day – at least 20 minutes to an hour.   I found it to be a profound practice. So much so, that – as a call to action to support the course experience – I currently request all my students in my classes to get out into nature on a consistent basis (sans ipods or cell phones please).

Here’s why this practice can inspire and support you as well:

  • In any given moment, nature is a remarkable & honest mirror of your own multidimensional, unique nature…revealing the truth of who you are. With eyes wide open and the willingness to receive, the key is to commit to being an observer. Nature will more than meet you half way. Then notice what you see reflected to you in the vast looking class that nature provides.
  • Nature is infinitely creative and ever evolving just like you. Allow yourself to get inspired, comforted & uplifted by all the abundance around you. Each season holds its own wonders. Springtime – the season of new beginnings – is upon us. Try it out. Go for a short walk and take note of the signs of re-birth and new growth at this time of year that reflects your own evolving growth.
  • The benefits of this practice will strengthen your mental processes, soothe your emotions, ignite your senses and uncover what has heart & meaning for you. The intricate beauty of the first roses blooming can inspire creativity. Focusing on a butterfly’s graceful flight can bring you back to the moment. The vastness of the ocean can expand your awareness of possibilities. A gentle rain can quiet the mind.
  • Some old growth trees are ancient beings indeed. I have received unexpected wisdom by just leaning against these venerable ones and being a listener.
  • I learned recently that an activity such as connecting with nature is classified as a “non-narrative activity”. In other words, communing with nature doesn’t have an inherent story associated with it as do activities like reading a book, going to a movie, writing in your journal or watching television. Basically being out in nature enhances the potential for free-form creativity, soul stirring insights and a flow of inspiration that will often surprise and please you.
  • Nature has the most innovative ways of communicating what’s most up for us in any given moment and what we most need to pay attention to. Once, after a long walk, when I stopped and rested, I allowed myself to really feel a deep sadness over a recently ended relationship. Almost immediately a hummingbird literally flew into my face – not just once but 2 or 3 times. I knew this was something unusual. I had never seen a hummingbird do such a thing. When I returned home, I researched the deeper meaning of the hummingbird from the wisdom traditions of some indigenous cultures. I learned that the hummingbird stood for joy, delight and a love for life. So I took this little messenger’s appearance to heart. It was time to let go of my grief & sadness and choose to cultivate joy again. It was time to let go of the heaviness in my heart and fully engage with life once again. My heart was not so much broken any more as wide open. It was so liberating.

I encourage you to let Nature become your ally. Even a short 5 to 10 minutes of “nature time” realistically scheduled into your day on a consistent basis throughout the week could at the very least enhance your life and just might transform it all together.

With deepening appreciation for how generously the Earth supports you, you also might find yourself heeding the call to return the favor and become a loving custodian of Gaia. You might become a contributor to the solutions that can heal, preserve and honor our planet not only for ourselves but for generations to come.

Envisioning you as one with Nature….


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