Do You Trust Your Life?

 “I’m scared.” “I’m confused.” “I’m overwhelmed.” “I’m stuck.” “I don’t know which way to turn.”

Sound familiar?

I wouldn’t be surprised if it did as I’m hearing those sentiments repeated over and over again in my conversations with clients, students, and even colleagues.

In the face of a time when nothing is working like it did in the past, our desire to move into a space of “trust”…to trust our decisions…to trust our relationships…to trust ourselves…to trust a connection to a Universe that will support us…goes out like a fervent prayer.

So my question for you today is…Do you trust your life…really???

Certainly trying to live life without trust can be downright scary.

If you have been feeling knocked off course by a lack of trust, I wish that I could meet you in a coffee shop, sit across from you and hold your hand while looking into your eyes. What I would want you to know, as I tapped into the Universal support that is wanting to minister to you, is that you are not alone.

The dilemma is that, in any age and at any time, trust always takes you to a crossroads. Charles Dickens described this poignantly over 150 years ago when he wrote these words in his famous novel about the French revolution and they are as relevant today in our time as they were then:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”
~~~ Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Now, as then, in tumultuous and transformational times like these, it can be challenging to know what course to take, how to stay the course and even trust if you are on the right course.

For folks who are having issues with trust, here’s what I’m observing in my practice. People are feeling like it is a whole “new game” and they don’t know what the new game is or where to start to get a handle on it. Many are feeling lost, indecisive, sometimes hopeless, depressed and victimized. People are dealing with specific issues such as cash flow problems, health challenges related to stress about survival at the basic levels, feeling all alone, or worries about business & career. Folks are sabotaged by feelings of “not being enough” in all its manifestations (not smart enough, not good enough, not wise enough, not thin enough, etc). I’m even seeing for those who were attracted to the paradigm of the Law of Attraction, there is a kind of crisis of faith and a turning it on themselves…questioning “what am I doing wrong?” Even if you have seen some light at the end of the tunnel, with so much going on, there is a yearning for life balance. There is a yearning for time to nurture the self, for time to savor meaningful relationships and for time to just be.

Truth be told, are these actually new challenging issues with regards to the human experience? Not really. But close to the bone issues like these are heightened in a time when everything is being called into question.

Bottom line, what I’m seeing right now is that what some people are experiencing & feeling is activating their biggest fears. It’s off the charts. It‘s raw and it’s real.

So if you are experiencing these challenges or feeling the imbalance of endeavoring to have a life that flows while attempting to maintain equilibrium during “these times that try men’s souls” (as Thomas Paine wrote during the American revolution), then you are at a choice point. You can take one of two trajectories. You can either create your life experience out of fear, confusion or frustration…or you can co-creatively have life experiences based on hope, possibility, connection and a deep trust-filled knowing that it will all work out.

To navigate these trajectories, you have two options:

  1. Option one: You take a default position of doing nothing feeling victimized by the circumstances of the world. Or another aspect of option one is that you try to make something happen all by yourself often expending a lot of effort and feeling like a lone ranger.  OR
  2. Option two: You can choose to let me help you.

Here’s how I can do just that and support you. I have had quite a few people expressing interest to work one-on-one with me, but it’s not affordable for them at this time. So my thought was to create what I’m calling the “Trust Your Life Gathering”…an alchemical “cauldron” or sacred space – if you will – that is designed to provide a month of group support for the price of one session with me. The focus will be to assist you in truly knowing that you are not alone and that you have resources for creating a life that is filled with blessings. My promise to you: because we are doing this as a group, the experience will be powerful, simple, deep and it will be an adventure (this ensures the fun factor 🙂

What’s in it for you? In one word…relief !!

To build your “trust muscle”, you will be held in a “container” that is safe. Supported by the group energy, you can surrender the prolonged heavy energy of feeling stuck and doing this on your own. You will be heard, you will learn from each other (I call this “spiritual economy”), and you will be empowered to manage your energy masterfully to create what you want. Heart-centered, soul-guided inspiration will be provided to invoke openness, curiosity, honesty, discernment, and telling the truth…most importantly to yourself. For joy in action, you will be encouraged to commit to a uniquely designed daily practice that resonates for you and will connect you to your deepest knowing. You will be invited to show up for yourself and let go of any temptation to hide or stay small. Along with gratitude and appreciation, you will be guided to truly let what you want land for you and celebrate life in all its aspects…no matter what.

Does it take courage to show up for yourself in this way?…yes Will it be worth the effort?….yes

Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. So if what you have been doing in life isn’t serving you – whether it involves your work, your business, your health, your relationships, or other aspects of your personal life – then it might be time to consider something new. This is a bold call to action to say yes to your life….to trust this life experience right here, right now. It’s also an invitation that is based in simple elegance since we are doing this in community and leveraging that energy. Finally, it’s an opportunity to spend more time with me at a lower investment so that you can stay your course on a delight-filled trajectory that in reality is the field of miracles.

It comes down to you making a choice. For you, it is either “the best of times or the worst of times, the season of Light or the season of Darkness”…you are the chooser. I trust that we do indeed have everything within us to choose what works and to create a life that is good and that feels good. We will do this together.


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