Tribal Thinking for the 21st Century

Being part of a “tribe” is today’s new hot trend. What does that mean for you?

Historically, there has been a lot written about transcending the old idea of a “tribal mindset” especially as we matured as a globally connected species. The tribal mindset that pitted my way of being…my group…my country…etc. as being better than yours was so restrictive, narrow and actually counter productive to human progress it certainly warranted being let go.

But today’s revised version of being part of a tribe is an idea that has come into its own.

Innovative marketers are talking about it. Social networking gurus are talking about it. And, in my field of coaching, the idea is everywhere these days.

Being part of a 21st century tribe has come to mean that you are a valued soul included in a collaborative network of visionary, like-minded people. The goal of these new paradigm tribes is to create expansive, win-win success that is designed to bless our troubled planet.

As I committed to re-engineering my business this year, I had a dream of bringing together a group of passionate, courageous , leading edge thinking people who had a vision to transform their life in some way. Their dreams were just like yours…achieve a satisfying business or career goal…attract fulfilling relationships…find love…feel on purpose…be more healthy…in other words, all that makes for a good and joy-filled life. After over 11 years as a coach, my emerging passion was to support people in realizing these dreams by inviting them to Trust Their Life.

Very quickly into our first month together of exploring the power of trust, we instinctively started to call ourselves the “trust tribe”… not even knowing that this tribal thing was the latest re-defined social trend. To us, it was certainly a catchy way to refer to ourselves but it meant so much more. We synchronistically and sometimes surprisingly reflected aspects of each others stories. We were supportively there for each other when it got bumpy. Most importantly, we unwaveringly wanted the best for each other. Best of all we lived the old adage that “when two or more come together” miracles can and do happen.

In their own words, here’s what the “Trust Tribe” had to say about their experience in the Trust Your Life Gatherings (…

“I understand that what I am being asked to do here is to release some very deep patterns that have been holding me back. I realize that I am in exactly the right place to learn this lesson – and doubtless many others. It’s tough because my ego is holding on hard to its view of how things have to be. And now I am so grateful for this group because you all reinforce for me the understanding that I’m not alone in this, that I am supported and I can trust myself – beyond my business partner’s lack of trust especially since he & I are totally committed to working together and growing our business. I am reminded that I can stand still and calm in the whirlwind no matter what.” – JB

“I would love to stay in it for the months to come – it really felt like the right "match". – EC

“I FEEL that I am actually in the process of integrating and moving toward the "who I truly AM"….all of a sudden…it clicked.  It clicked and I was in this aha moment…. I get it now.   My activation meter around money is way, way down…..   And it’s like all at once, the pieces are coming together, being drawn to me, by me, and landing right in my heart space.” – MH

”I hold you in Light energy that you will continue this Great Work with your Trust Tribe. I even placed myself and my container within a field of grass the height of trees this morning during our meditation.  Your understanding of  the imperative call to work with the fields of energy is truly a gift to me at this stage of my life…I feel that the journey is just beginning.  I am so blessed to work with you and the other tribe members.  What an adventure this is becoming!” – LL

What I experienced is this. In our first month of meeting, we have triumphed as a trust tribe. We are living in a time where every day should matter and that’s what we embodied as a trust tribe. We intended to trust our deepest intuitive guidance. We honored the truth of our innate personal, authentic power. We took a giant step toward to loving ourselves and our lives. We opened to the flow of what we wanted to create with uplifting, successful ease. Simply…we were saying YES to life.

And the journey continues… Next month, the participants will not only continue with the exploration of a theme designed to create more trust in their lives, but we will also bring real life practicality into our experience by focusing on a current treasured dream that each person wants to create in their life now !!

If this sounds attractive to you, consider joining the ongoing adventure of the Trust Your Life Gatherings. This trust tribe rocks… And there are 3 options for joining the Trust Your Life Gatherings that make sense for every budget.

Check it out at

Supporting you in trusting your life,
Max Wellspring


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