I am so excited to announce my co-facilitation of a life-changing event coming in the fall of 2018.
For a full explanation of this transformative experience, please check out the details below:
Revive and Thrive Re-Treat – Transitioning
With Confidence
Presented by Judy Basso
With Max Wellspring and Willie Carter
Are you feeling stifled in a career that you once loved? Is an important relationship about to change? Has there been a shift in your health? Or are you getting ready to move house in a major way?
There are so many transitions that we deal with in the human experience and so many questions about how to deal with moving forward.
The thought of just continuing doing what you are doing may be creating inner turmoil.
You might be confused about your next steps.
Actually your biggest question might be “What do I really want now?” You think there is something more, but you don’t even have time to think about what “it” could actually be or how to make it happen.
If this is you, I get it. I am you… that was me!
I am an Award Winning, 28-year veteran Event Planner, entrepreneur. One day I woke up and asked myself: “Why don’t I love my career like I used to?” That revelation shocked me to my core! That set me on a journey to discover what my heart and soul were yearning to do NOW – at this stage of my life in my mid 50’s.
It took 4 years for me to figure this out and it may never have happened had not a personal life event forced me to take time to reflect. I don’t want you to have to wait for a tragedy to start your path to a new beginning. If I hadn’t taken time for myself during a time that had me questioning everything, I would have probably spent the rest of my working life doing something I didn’t love to do anymore. As a result, I created a Re-Treat for professional women, from mid 50’s onwards, who are ready for more in their life! Judy Basso – Transformation Expert
This is for women who:
- Are feeling that yearning, a stirring from the Soul to move on to create another exciting aspect of their career or their life
- Are transitioning, or want to transition, from feeling stuck in some area of their but are unsure – or even scared – about taking that first fierce step into the unknow
- Do not want to wait for years to make a transition and want to go forward with ease and confidence
- Love luxury, being pampered and having fun!
- Thrive on CUSTOMIZED SUPPORT – available from knowledgeable facilitators throughout the Re-Treat. You do not have to do your big life leap alone!
- Need the dedicated time and mental space to start to figure out what the next steps of their life will be
- Like to be with other like-minded, proactive women
- Are ready for the time and space to Unhook, Unleash and Re-vision their lives and are ready to let go of any fear that might be holding them back
- Do not want to just retire in the traditional way, but want to use their wisdom and experience to make a difference – and be involved in projects that make their heart sing that fits with their lifestyle.
- Do not want to stay in a life situation or a relationship that no longer serves them
- Do not want to a life that is out of balance or unhealthy
- DO want a life that is purposeful, healthy and infused with love, joy and a felt sense of what’s possible
Join me for this Amazing Re-Treat (yes, with a capital T!)
You will have 3 glorious days to discover what it is that is yearning to come through you in a luxurious atmosphere. It’s where 3 caring, knowledgeable and experienced facilitators will be available to assust you through this journey.
This will be an intimate group as there are only 10 spots available for this opportunity.
We are creating a Magical, Memorable and Effective Re-Treat – just for you!
JOIN US in the Fall of 2018 in Victoria, BC, Canada
Revive and Thrive Re-Treat
Take our quiz on our Facebook page to see if this resonates with you!
Pinterest: Judy Basso, then under Woman’s Luxury Retreat
Judy Basso – jbassoevents@gmail.com or 250-851-5247
Everything we teach will be Simple, Practical, Do-able, and Easily Repeatable.
- We will provide you with the environment to create new habits that you can easily maintain after the retreat.
- The purpose of the retreat is to give you hands-on practice using the perspective and tools so your new life plan is doable. It is not just theory, it is practical.
- For those who want ongoing support after the retreat, these special, affordable one-on-one offerings are also available:
The tools that we will be using and that will show you how to integrate what you experience at the retreat into your daily life are:
- Energy Tapping
- The power of setting intentions to manifest your dreams
- Really asking for what YOU want – how trusted inner guidance can propel you to your desired outcome
- Dream self analysis
- Learn about the best tools for manifesting
- How to read signs, signals and clues pointing to your best life
- Brainstorming the possibilities
- For those who want ongoing support after the retreat, these special, affordable one-on-one offerings will also be available post retreat:
- Follow-up Psych K clearings (See web site for details)
- Follow-up Akashic Reading (See web site for details)
All of this while giving you plenty of time to rest, replenish and revive. Keeping it simple – yet very effective for moving forward.
The ReTreat is done in an environment that is nurturing, but also gives you permission to self-nurture. You will feel that when you give yourself the time to quiet the mind, rest the body, and encourage the creative spirit – life enhancing and practical solutions emerge.
Get the support you need for navigating the transitions of your life WITH EASE!
Here is what this Re-treat is about and what it offers:
Practice how to really be true to yourself
- Learn how to reliably tap into, and trust the guidance of your reliable, Inner Knowing
- Understand how you can be guided by a vision that pulls you toward the answers that are arising within you vs. pushing to make something happen in an old paradigm way.
- Ignite what’s possible by giving yourself the kind of peace, simple encouragement and inspiration for envisioning your next steps.
Fall in love with YOUR life again!