I Am Enough Free Recording

What might might happen when you silence the internal critic that has you doubting that you are not enough in some way?

What might happen if you choose to love yourself instead?

What might happen if you claim that not only are you enough but that you have always been worthy of the life you imagine?

Below you will find a short tapping process to shift the challenging emotions about feeling not enough:


“Tapping” combines acupressure and psychological release statements to produce effective, scientifically proven results in the areas of clearing limiting thought paradigms, healing of childhood traumas, pain relief, repetitive patterns, etc. In essence we are by-passing the programmed mind of the intellect and accessing the body’s intelligence effecting release at a cellular level and to the extent that you can release an issue, the effects provide relief and peace of mind.

There are several forms of theses emotional release techniques. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is probably the best known.

The tapping technique you will experience is called Emotional Healing and Freedom (EHF).  Emotional Freedom and Healing essentially combines acupressure – tapping or rubbing or steady pressure on certain points of the body with 1 or 2 fingers combined with a statement of the limiting belief to be released and the use of deep breathing to profoundly support the release

Another special aspect of this recording is that it is infused with the energy of the Akashic Records. Very simply the Akashic Records is a spiritual resource that reveals the truth at the level of the soul. The Akashic Records is all about authentic empowerment and a way to remember who we truly are. So, to record the emotional release technique, I opened my own records with the objective of making the most effective recording possible on behalf of all beings who now choose to release the self sabotage of feeling not enough. Together we will indeed remember that we “always had the power” to feel worthy of the best life possible!

You will be totally guided in this process…so just relax and enjoy!

This is a short tapping process for which we will use these acupressure points:

  1. Tender Spot, Left Side of Chest  –  it’s a  tender or sensitive spot on left side of chest located beneath the collarbone and above the breast area
  2. Eyebrow  – on end the eyebrow near bridge of nose
  3. Outside of the Eye – near the temple bone
  4. Under the Eye – on the bone beneath the eye – in the center of the bone
  5. Under the Nose – above the upper lip
  6. Chin – below lower lip in the crease of the chin
  7. Under the armpit – there is another sensitive spot about 2″ below
  8. Top of the head

EFT - EFH Short Tapping Points - Woman - no hand










Use the vibration meter tool to measure how effective your tapping experience worked for you….

Click the Your Vibrational Meter link below for the explanation:



Your Vibrational Meter


Emotional Freedom Healing – ” I Am Enough!”

Download mp3 recording HERE

Listen to the recording:


How to download your mp3 file:

The easiest way to download an MP3 is to right-click on the link that points to the file and select “Save Target As…” or “Save File As…” (depending on what browser you use). If you are using Safari, when you right-click on the link, you can select “Download Linked File”.

Alternatively, you can just click on the link above, and it will open up the link in your default browser and start playing. When its done playing, you can select File->Save as to save it to your hard-drive.